How to turn prospective into convinced customers

An important pitch is coming up and the excitement is constantly growing. The preparation often becomes a torment: How can I attract attention to my ideas? Are my charts good enough? Will I be able to convince with my statements and win the customer? In this media workshop you will learn how to focus on the right ideas in order to captivate your audience right from the start and convince them of your concept. You will learn how to prepare your presentation faster and better and create a perfect appearance.



  • The successful strategy: define and fulfill the interests and needs of your target groups.
  • The common thread: determination of structure and dramaturgy.
  • Effective storytelling: write creative and captivating texts.
  • The perfect pitch deck: visualizations and their full potential.
  • The convincing presentation: simple, clear and authentic.



You will get to know how to turn dry subjects into good stories and how to present them confidently. You will learn how to captivate your audience right from the start and how to convince them with your concept. In practical exercises you will work on various formats and storylines as well as on the visualization and communication of your ideas. Due to repeated feedback, you will learn how to draw full attention to your ideas in order to win your audience over.



  • This online seminar is aimed at everyone who wants to prepare for a pitch faster and more effectively.
  • This workshop refers to all those who want to present a topic in a confident, exciting and convincing manner.

Eventdatum: Montag, 10. Juni 2024 09:00 – 17:00

Eventort: Online

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:

Hermannstraße 16
20095 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 2263-9660
Telefax: +49 (40) 2263-5980

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