Tips and tools for successful global communication

Due to economic internationalization and global networking, and, not least, through digitization, PR work on an international level has become increasingly important in recent years. But if you want to communicate across borders, you are confronted with numerous challenges. Language barriers, cultural differences, time differences – every media landscape has its own conditions that international PR has to fulfill. Therefore Corporate communication has to address various stakeholder groups in different countries and regions in an adequate manner. This requires the knowledge of differences and similarities in terms of country-specific aspects and the media culture of the target countries. This media workshop will show you how to implement your corporate communications internationally or globally. The two-day seminar brings you closer to the most important markets from the USA to Europe to Asia using data, but also media and cultural insights.



  • Requirements for international corporate communications.
  • Basics of international and global campaign management.
  • National differentiation vs. international positioning.
  • Organization and coordination of global communication.
  • Development of international communication networks.
  • Social media in international use: proven tools and „nice to have“.
  • International crises communication: from the manual to the international task force.
  • Possibilities of monitoring and measuring.



You receive a comprehensive overview of how international communication can be implemented and organized as efficiently as possible. You learn all about the possible tensions between local and regional characteristics and look at an overall corporate strategy. You work on practical case studies. You benefit from the exchange and discussion in the group to optimize your own international PR.



  • The course is aimed at employees from the press and PR departments of companies, associations, institutions and PR agencies that operate internationally.

Eventdatum: 14.05.24 – 15.05.24

Eventort: Online

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Kategorien: Webinar